Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Weber State Weber State Great. Great. Great.

Oh it's been a while since I've blogged. Possibly because m
y summer was pretty mundane and not worthy of mention, except for the fact that I worked
at Ross Dress for Less and got really good deals on shiiii, aaand me and Michael went to
good Ol' AZ to visit my grandma and show Michael where I lived all last summer.

We went to the touristy places like 'Jim Gray's Rock Shop' and 'The Petrified Forest'.

That was all good and fun but my favorite was probably the Mexican food and hanging out with old time friend Norval.

What a guy, he's like 80 odd years and is still bouncin' around in his old dusty pickup.

We also hit up Winslow, AZ, don't know if you recall the song by the Eagles 'Take it Easy' but one verse says "Well, I'm a standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona and such a fine sight to see "
and we did just that.

On the way home we drove around Canyon De Chelly [can-yen duh shay] in Chinle, AZ which was super pretty.

and went through Moab and climbed (in the rain) Wilson Arch. Good photo op territory.

as well as hit up Hole 'N' the Rock , Michael had never been inside.

and that was that

So that's about it. I've now started school and am in my second week. Wahoooo. We'll see how this semester goes. Hopefully well...

GO Wildcats!

I'll try to blog more later.

Monday, April 18, 2011

I fell in love again, all things go.

two years ago I was graduating high school.

now i'm finishing at Snow.

within those two years my life has evolved ever so greatly into something I had never imagined.

there's so much that could happen in the next two years.

even the next two weeks is going to be full of adventure.

I get butterflies thinking about it :D

tally ho!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Sometimes when no one's home and I'm left alone to my own devices I do my make up really really dark and take pictures.

Juvenile I know.

Then I find myself with 40+ pictures of the same thing.

I put them in a whole album that's all me.

Vain is what you're thinking i'm sure.

But It's what I do.

and I love it.

It's going to take forever to get this make up off.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Someday this will be mine-

Monday, March 14, 2011


Why is that i procrastinate so much?
Why do humans in general procrastinate so much?
They should come up with a solution for this common human occurring problem.
They do for everything else.

i don't really know who "they" are, but i'm sure they'll figure something out.

in the meantime i'll probably keep procrastinating until "they" fix it.

c'est lav vie

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cherish It

When I want a day to go by sooner so that the weekend comes quicker it always seems to take longer. And when the weekend finally comes it goes by a lot faster. Why can’t I take time from the dismal times to make it go by faster and put that time I took into the cherished times I look forward to as to make it extended?

I guess it wouldn’t be considered cherished or dismal anymore. Their definitions depend on each other. Without a good who would know what bad was? (and vice versa) I suppose it’s those dismal prolonged times that you suffer through that make where you would like to be a lot more worthwhile, making you truly cherish it. The dismal times help you see what a cherished time is. What a cherished time means.

Bad is what makes us see the good. Bad is always contrasting, comparing, and creating ways to realize those moments of happiness. He’s just doing his job, sometimes a little too well.

However if you can realize that there’s an equal amount of good to the bad, what you’ve worked through has meaning. Because you’ve helped good reach its potential and in doing that you’ve played a vital role in the creation of happiness. You’ve showed good what it’s made of.

All the while finding out what you’re made of.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I want to learn how to play the accordion so bad.
So I downloaded the Accordion App on my Ipod. Close enough.

Thursday, January 6, 2011